Translates a given i18n-string with optional dynamic value-replacing.


translate(string $i18nStr, array $params = null, string $lang = null) : string


@param string $i18nStr The complete i18n-string. Translation needs to be defined in the main Textbaustein-Content-DB.

@param array|null $params Optional key-value-data (associative array) for dynamic replacing of %<vars>%

@param string|null $lang Optional iso-language code, e.g. "DE".


Returns the translated string. If no translation was found an empty string is returned.


Simple standard

Looks up the configured translation stored under the i18n-key "my.DEMO.i18nStr" in the Hublify-Translation-DB.
It is translated into the render-environment's currently set "global language".

This is translated: "{{ hublify.translate('my.DEMO.i18nStr') }}"