Through this function you can access all your data of the datasets you have access to within Hublify.

Basically you are building and executing dataset-retrieval-query with these functions.

  • Behaves like a SQL's SELECT query
  • Provide fields to retrieve
  • It handles automatic connections to other datasets (SQL JOINs)
  • Provide filter & segments to apply
  • Returns one or multiple record-objects (associative arrays) as a numeric array



For quick dive, here an example

{# Getting data (fields "pcode","name" and "price") from dataset "product" #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('product').fields(['pcode','name','price']).all %}




Creates a dataset-query-object.

Parameter: "<dataset>" A string containing the dataset-label.

Return: This functions returns dataset-query-object.

{# Creating a standalone query-object #}
{% set myQueryObj = hublify.dataset('product') %}


Adds one field to the dataset-query.

Parameter: Pass a string containing the field you want to add.

{# Adding the field "firstname" to the query #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').field('firstname').all %}

You can also cascade multiple field(...) functions. But see also to directly add an array of fields, using the fields(...)-function.

{# Cascaded adding of single fields #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').field('firstname').field('lastname').field('gender').all %}


Adds multiple fields you want to read to the dataset-query.

Parameter: Pass an array of strings of fields you want to add.

{# Adding three fields as an array to the query #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').fields(['firstname','lastname','gender']).all %}



Adds a filter to your dataset-query.

{# Getting all persons "firstname" whos "lastname" is "skywalker" #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').field('firstname').filter('lastname','skywalker').all %}



Adds multiple filters to your dataset-query at once.

{# Getting all persons "firstname" filtered for the "firstname" and "lastname" #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').field('firstname').filters([ {'lastname':'skywalker'}, {'firstname':'luke'}]).all %}


Adds a filtering segment to your dataset-query.

{# Adding the segment "bday_next_within_7days" to the query #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').segment('bday_next_within_7days').all %} 

Of course you can combine segments with other filters!


Adds multiple segments for filtering to your dataset-query at once.

{# Adding multiple segments to the query #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('person').segments(['bday_next_within_7days','a-customer']).all %} 


Adds an ordering to your retrieved data.
This can be called multiple times. Given order-by-statements are then cascaded in the same order.

{# Enabling a ordering by field "name" in ascending order #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('product').fields(['pcode','name']).orderBy('name', 'ASC').all %}

Parameter: First parameter is the field name, the second the order-direction ("ASC|DESC").


To limit the number of returned dataset-records, use this function. It makes only really sense to use it when executing the dataset-query with all(...).

{# Limit the number to the first 5 products #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('product').fields(['pcode','name']).limit(5).all %}


Add an own parameter to the query. This function can be called multiple times with same or different key/values.


{# Add a parameter "viewingUser" = "kevin" to actual dataset-query. #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('product').param('viewingUser', 'kevin').fields(['pcode','name']).all %}


Add any own multiple parameters to the query.


{# Add a parameter "viewingUser" = "kevin" to actual dataset-query. #}
{% set myData = hublify.dataset('product')
        "myParam1": 123,
        "anotherParam": "aloha!"
    .all %}


EXECUTEs the data-query and returns only the first object.
(Like a: limit 1).

Put this always to the end of your twig-expression!


EXECUTEs the data-query and returns an array of records.
Filters and sorting and limits are regarded.

Put this always to the end of your twig-expression!