
  • Hublify integrates an option to exchange order- or orderitem-specific messages with a customer
  • Each orderitem can have multiple messages from the customer and Hublify-users
  • The Hublify system can inform the customer about new messages
  • Messages can have attachments

Creating Order-Messages

To save a new message from a customer, you simply use the standard data-create endpoint.

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/data_create

Request parameter if the message relates to a specifc item

    "dataset": "order_message",
    "fields": {
        "fk_omsg_oiid": 12345,       // this is the internal id ("oiid") for the specific orderitem this relates to
        "fk_omsg_persid": 1234,      // this is the internal id ("persid") for the customer who wrote this message
        "omsg_message": "A Message"  // the actual message from the customer 


Request parameter if the message relates to an order in general

    "dataset": "order_message",
    "fields": {
        "fk_omsg_oid": 123,          // this is the internal id ("oid") for the specific order this relates to
        "fk_omsg_persid": 1234,      // this is the internal id ("persid") for the customer who wrote this message
        "omsg_message": "A Message"  // the actual message from the customer 


    "status": true


Getting messages

You can use the data from the orderitem-, the order- and the person-records to filter your list of of messages and to display them.

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/data_getList

Request parameter

Example: All messages for a specific item

    "dataset": "order_message",
    "filter": {
        "fk_omsg_oiid": 12345
    "fields": [



    "data": [
            "omsg_id": 10,                                       // The internal ID for this specific message 
            "omsg_insert_time": "2021-09-13 14:15:00",           // Time the message was written
            "omsg_author_ref": "person",                         // "person" means the customer wrote this message
            "drvd_author": "Max Muster",                         // the displayable name for the author, here "firstname lastname" from the person-record
            "omsg_message": "A message from the Customer"        // the actual message
            "omsg_id": 20,                                       // The internal ID for this specific message 
            "omsg_insert_time": "2021-09-13 16:17:00",           // Time the message was written
            "omsg_author_ref": "user",                           // "user" means a Hbulify-User wrote this message 
            "drvd_author": "Customer-Service",                   // the displayable name for the author, username or specifically set name from the Hublify-User
            "omsg_message": "<p>A <strong>reply<\/strong>.<\/p>" // the actual message
    "status": true

Getting attached files

To access the attached files for a message you need the internal id for that message.
You can use the "ref_id" in data to access the files through the following URL

https://{your hublify url}/hfy/file?ref_id={ref_id}

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/volumeFile_getList

Request parameter

    "filter": {
        "omsg_id": "10",
        "dataset": "order_message"


    "status": true,
    "msg": null,
    "data": [
            "dtype": "file",
            "name": "example.pdf",
            "basename": "example.pdf",
            "filename": "example",
            "file_ext": "pdf",
            "file_size": 164020,                    
            "file_size_human": "160,2 KB",
            "atime": "2021-09-21 12:58:25",
            "mtime": "2021-09-21 12:58:25",
            "dirname": "\/items\/1668--PC0002\/msg\/10\/",
            "vol_label": "order_documents",
            "ref_key": "A00002693",
            "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|example.pdf",
            "ref_data": {
                "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|example.pdf",
                "ref_key": "A00002693",
                "vol_label": "order_documents"
            "url": "\/hfy\/file?ref_id=order_documents%3A%3AA00002693%7C%7Citems%7C1668--PC0002%7Cmsg%7C10%7Cexample.pdf"
            "dtype": "file",
            "name": "my-logo.svg",
            "basename": "my-logo.svg",
            "filename": "my-logo",
            "file_ext": "svg",
            "file_size": 6528,
            "file_size_human": "6,4 KB",
            "atime": "2021-09-21 12:59:18",
            "mtime": "2021-09-21 12:59:18",
            "dirname": "\/items\/1668--PC0002\/msg\/10\/",
            "vol_label": "order_documents",
            "ref_key": "A00002693",
            "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|my-logo.svg",
            "ref_data": {
                "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|my-logo.svg",
                "ref_key": "A00002693",
                "vol_label": "order_documents"
            "url": "\/hfy\/file?ref_id=order_documents%3A%3AA00002693%7C%7Citems%7C1668--PC0002%7Cmsg%7C10%7Cmy-logo.svg"


Adding an attachment

To add a file to the message you need the internal id for that message.and a URL from where hublify can fetch the file

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/volumeFile_add

Request parameter

    "filter": {
        "omsg_id": "10",
        "dataset": "order_message"
    "sourceUrl": "https:\/\/hublify.io\/assets\/site\/hublify-logo.svg"


    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "dtype": "file",
        "basename": "hublify-logo.svg",
        "name": "hublify-logo.svg",
        "filename": "hublify-logo.svg",
        "file_ext": "svg",
        "file_size": 6545,
        "file_size_human": "6,4 KB",
        "atime": "2022-01-11 15:57:38",
        "mtime": "2022-01-11 15:57:38",
        "uid": 33,
        "gid": 33,
        "dirname": "\/items\/1668--PC0002\/msg\/10\/",
        "vol_label": "order_documents",
        "ref_key": "A00002693",
        "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|hublify-logo.svg",
        "ref_data": {
            "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|hublify-logo.svg",
            "ref_key": "A00002693",
            "vol_label": "order_documents"
        "url": "\/hfy\/file?ref_id=order_documents%3A%3AA00002693%7C%7Citems%7C1668--PC0002%7Cmsg%7C10%7Chublify-logo.svg"


Removing an attachment

If you want to physically remove a file again, you need the "ref_id" for that file.

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/volumeFile_delete

Request parameter

    "filter": {
        "ref_id": "order_documents::A00002693||items|1668--PC0002|msg|10|hublify-logo.svg",


    "status": true,
    "data": {