Quick Facts

  • Companyaccounts and their Subaccounts are specific versions of persons
  • A companyaccount can have multiple subaccounts
  • Every subaccount has its own login credentials
  • Every subaccount is linked to one companyaccount
  • Every subaccount uses the same products & prices as the companyaccount they belong to
  • Every subaccount can be configured with an individual budget limit or a specific access rights
  • Orders purchased by a subaccount will be assigned to the companyaccount
  • Hublify supports shared addressbooks between companyaccounts and their subaccounts
  • Hublify supports reassigning open carts to a different subaccount within a company


You should have

  • an user-account enabled for api access & CRM access
  • an api-client


The specialized datasets "companyaccount" and "companysubaccount" are already adjusted for their specific purposes.

You can still use all the typical "person" fields and use these datasets as you would  any other dataset.


Get a list of companyaccounts

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/data_getList

Request parameter

    "dataset": "companyaccount",
    "fields": [


    "status": true,
    "data": [
            "persid": "1111",
            "personid": "K00001111",
            "company": "Company & Co"
        // ... shortened example


Get a list of subaccounts for a companyaccount.

Request URL

https://{your hublify url}/api/eos_10/data_getList

Request parameter

    "dataset": "companysubaccount",
    "filter": {
        "fk_p_companyaccount_parent_persid": 1111     // The Hublify Internal ID for the companyaccont these subaccount belong to
    "fields": [


    "status": true,
    "data": [
            "persid": "1122",
            "personid": "K00001122",
            "firstname": "Marcus",
            "lastname": "Mitarbeiter",
            "p_companyaccount_budget_cart_max": "1000.0000", // optional subaccount specific budget limit that will be checked against the total net value of every cart 
        // ... shortened example