Hublify-CMS - Template Examples

Below you can find some auto-generated examples for direct use within your Hublify-CMS' twig templates.


Hint: For best performance, retrieve only those fields you really need!

Autogenerated twig-templating source code:

          {# Get all records from dataset "productgroup".

             Other retrievable fields of productgroup are:
                       'node_id' - (INT, 11) ID,
                       'node_code' - (TEXT, 63) Kategorie-Code,
                       'node_idfather' - (INT, 11) Übergeordnete Kategorie,
                       'ngr_id' - (INT, 11) Katalog,
                       'lft' - (INT, 11) Lft,
                       'rgt' - (INT, 11) Rgt,
                       'node_path' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Pfad,
                       'i18n_node_path_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_name' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Name,
                       'i18n_node_name_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_desc' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Beschreibung (alt),
                       'i18n_node_desc_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_desc_long' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Langbeschreibung (alt),
                       'i18n_node_desc_long_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_keywords' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Keywords,
                       'i18n_node_keywords_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'drvd_children' - (INT) Anz. Unterkategorien,
                       'drvd_isleaf' - (INT, 1) ,
                       'depth' - (INT) ,
                       'node_image' - (TEXT, 63) Bild,
                       'active' - (INT, 1) Aktiv,
                       'node_insert_time' - (DATETIME) ,
                       'node_insert_user' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'node_update_time' - (DATETIME) ,
                       'node_update_user' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'ngr_namespace' - (TEXT, 32) Namespace,
                       'ngr_label' - (TEXT, 63) Label (Baum),
                       'ngr_name' - (TEXT) Set-Name,
                       'i18n_ngr_name_DE' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'ngr_desc' - (TEXT) ,
                       'i18n_ngr_desc_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_addfields' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_additemfields' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_plugin' - (TEXT, 127) Plugin (Baum),
                       'ngr_ecms_pagealias' - (DATA) ,
                       'ngr_ecms_xdata' - (DATA) ,
                       'dynx__externalid_shopware_1_de' - (INT, 11) ,
                       'dynx__externalid_shopware_2_de' - (INT, 11) ,
                       'cnt_item_FullPath' - (INT) ,
                       'cnt_item_NodeOnly' - (INT) ,
                       'node_plugin' - (TEXT) Plugin,
                       'node_filter_attr_inherit' - (TEXT) Filter-Vererbung,
                       'node_filter_attr_own' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Filter-Attribute,
                       'node_mda_inherit' - (TEXT) MDA-Vererbung,
                       'node_mda_own' - (TEXT) Kategorie-MDAs,
                       'node_vgroup_inherit' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_vgroup_own' - (TEXT) Varianten Gruppierung
                       'node_external_id' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_xc__label' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_state_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_state_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_state_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_state_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'drvd_depth' - (INT) Depth,
                       'xc__active' - (INT, 1) Aktiv,
                       'xc__searchable' - (INT, 1) Suchbar,
                       'xc__version' - (INT, 11) Version,
                       'xc__current' - (INT, 1) Aktuell,
                       'xc__insert_user' - (TEXT, 127) Ersteller,
                       'xc__insert_time' - (DATETIME) Angelegt am,
                       'xc__valid' - (INT, 1) Valide,
                       'xc__update_time' - (DATETIME) Geändert am,
                       'xc__install_time' - (DATETIME) Installiert am,
                       'xc__publish_start' - (DATETIME) Veröffentlichung (Start),
                       'xc__publish_end' - (DATETIME) Veröffentlichung (Ende),
                       'xc__update_user' - (TEXT, 127) Letzte Änderung durch,
                       'xc__ecms_data' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__id' - (INT, 11) ID,
                       'drvd_xc_display' - (TEXT) Titel,
                       'mixedin_contents' - (DATA) Mixed-In Inhalte,
                       'promoted_products' - (DATA) Promoted Products,
                       'content_id' - (TEXT) Content-ID,
                       'title' - (TEXT) Titel,
                       'author' - (TEXT) Autor,
                       'teaser' - (TEXT) Kurzbeschreibung,
                       'body' - (TEXT) Beschreibung,
                       'emb_img_label' - (DATA) Bild,
                       'emb_img_label_preview' - (DATA) Bild (Preview),
                       'marketing_name' - (TEXT) Marketing-Name,
                       'marketing_teaser' - (TEXT) Marketing-Teaser,
                       'marketing_image' - (DATA) Marketing-Bild,
                       'marketing_image_background' - (DATA) Marketing-Hintergrundbild,
                       'marketing_overlay_html' - (TEXT) Marketing-Overlay HTML,
                       'meta_title' - (TEXT) HTML - Titel,
                       'meta_description' - (TEXT) HTML-META Description,
                       'meta_keywords' - (TEXT) HTML-META Keywords,
                       'xc__label' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__title' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__image' - (DATA) ,
          {% set dataList = hublify.dataset('productgroup')


Hint: For best performance, retrieve only those fields you really need!

Autogenerated twig-templating source code:

          {# Get one record from dataset "productgroup".

             Other retrievable fields of productgroup are:
                       'node_id' - (INT, 11) ID,
                       'node_code' - (TEXT, 63) Kategorie-Code,
                       'node_idfather' - (INT, 11) Übergeordnete Kategorie,
                       'ngr_id' - (INT, 11) Katalog,
                       'lft' - (INT, 11) Lft,
                       'rgt' - (INT, 11) Rgt,
                       'node_path' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Pfad,
                       'i18n_node_path_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_name' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Name,
                       'i18n_node_name_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_desc' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Beschreibung (alt),
                       'i18n_node_desc_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_desc_long' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Langbeschreibung (alt),
                       'i18n_node_desc_long_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_keywords' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Keywords,
                       'i18n_node_keywords_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'drvd_children' - (INT) Anz. Unterkategorien,
                       'drvd_isleaf' - (INT, 1) ,
                       'depth' - (INT) ,
                       'node_image' - (TEXT, 63) Bild,
                       'active' - (INT, 1) Aktiv,
                       'node_insert_time' - (DATETIME) ,
                       'node_insert_user' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'node_update_time' - (DATETIME) ,
                       'node_update_user' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'ngr_namespace' - (TEXT, 32) Namespace,
                       'ngr_label' - (TEXT, 63) Label (Baum),
                       'ngr_name' - (TEXT) Set-Name,
                       'i18n_ngr_name_DE' - (TEXT, 127) ,
                       'ngr_desc' - (TEXT) ,
                       'i18n_ngr_desc_DE' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_addfields' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_additemfields' - (TEXT) ,
                       'ngr_plugin' - (TEXT, 127) Plugin (Baum),
                       'ngr_ecms_pagealias' - (DATA) ,
                       'ngr_ecms_xdata' - (DATA) ,
                       'dynx__externalid_shopware_1_de' - (INT, 11) ,
                       'dynx__externalid_shopware_2_de' - (INT, 11) ,
                       'cnt_item_FullPath' - (INT) ,
                       'cnt_item_NodeOnly' - (INT) ,
                       'node_plugin' - (TEXT) Plugin,
                       'node_filter_attr_inherit' - (TEXT) Filter-Vererbung,
                       'node_filter_attr_own' - (TEXT) Kategorie-Filter-Attribute,
                       'node_mda_inherit' - (TEXT) MDA-Vererbung,
                       'node_mda_own' - (TEXT) Kategorie-MDAs,
                       'node_vgroup_inherit' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_vgroup_own' - (TEXT) Varianten Gruppierung
                       'node_external_id' - (TEXT) ,
                       'node_xc__label' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_state_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_2_state_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_state_direct' - (TEXT) ,
                       'prd_counter_1_state_total' - (TEXT) ,
                       'drvd_depth' - (INT) Depth,
                       'xc__active' - (INT, 1) Aktiv,
                       'xc__searchable' - (INT, 1) Suchbar,
                       'xc__version' - (INT, 11) Version,
                       'xc__current' - (INT, 1) Aktuell,
                       'xc__insert_user' - (TEXT, 127) Ersteller,
                       'xc__insert_time' - (DATETIME) Angelegt am,
                       'xc__valid' - (INT, 1) Valide,
                       'xc__update_time' - (DATETIME) Geändert am,
                       'xc__install_time' - (DATETIME) Installiert am,
                       'xc__publish_start' - (DATETIME) Veröffentlichung (Start),
                       'xc__publish_end' - (DATETIME) Veröffentlichung (Ende),
                       'xc__update_user' - (TEXT, 127) Letzte Änderung durch,
                       'xc__ecms_data' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__id' - (INT, 11) ID,
                       'drvd_xc_display' - (TEXT) Titel,
                       'mixedin_contents' - (DATA) Mixed-In Inhalte,
                       'promoted_products' - (DATA) Promoted Products,
                       'content_id' - (TEXT) Content-ID,
                       'title' - (TEXT) Titel,
                       'author' - (TEXT) Autor,
                       'teaser' - (TEXT) Kurzbeschreibung,
                       'body' - (TEXT) Beschreibung,
                       'emb_img_label' - (DATA) Bild,
                       'emb_img_label_preview' - (DATA) Bild (Preview),
                       'marketing_name' - (TEXT) Marketing-Name,
                       'marketing_teaser' - (TEXT) Marketing-Teaser,
                       'marketing_image' - (DATA) Marketing-Bild,
                       'marketing_image_background' - (DATA) Marketing-Hintergrundbild,
                       'marketing_overlay_html' - (TEXT) Marketing-Overlay HTML,
                       'meta_title' - (TEXT) HTML - Titel,
                       'meta_description' - (TEXT) HTML-META Description,
                       'meta_keywords' - (TEXT) HTML-META Keywords,
                       'xc__label' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__title' - (TEXT) ,
                       'xc__image' - (DATA) ,
          {% set dataList = hublify.dataset('productgroup')

api(). ... - create

For how-to insert a record...

api(). ... - update

For how-to update a record...

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